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Life can be a balancing act for any person, but if you find yourself constantly late, disorganised, forgetful and overwhelmed by your responsibilities, you may have Attention deficit disorder or ADD/ADHD.

This disorder affects many adults and has a variety of frustrating symptoms that can obstruct everything from your relationships down to your career.

If one was diagnosed with childhood ADD/ADHD, there’s a chance that some of the symptoms have been carried into adulthood. But even if you were never diagnosed with ADD/ADHD as a child, there is still a chance that it could affect you in your adult life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1What are the three types of ADHD?
  • 2What are the Symptoms?
  • 3What are the causes?
  • 4How can you manage ADD/ADHD in your diet and lifestyle?
  • 5How does monitoring brain waves aid ADHD?
  • 6What are the Benefits of Brain Training?
  • Inattentive

This is what is typically referred to when someone uses the term ADD. This means a person shows enough symptoms of inattention or is easily distracted, but isn’t hyperactive or impulsive.

  • Hyperactive-Impulsive

This type occurs when a person has symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity but not inattention.

  • Combined

This type is when a person has symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

ADD often looks different in adults than it does in children and the symptoms are unique for each individual.

Some of these symptoms include;

  • Trouble concentrating and staying focused. Adults often have difficulty staying focused and attending to tasks that aren't interesting to them.
  • Hyperfocus. People who suffer with ADD also have a tendency to become too absorbed in tasks that are stimulating and rewarding. This in actuality is a coping mechanism for distraction
  • Disorganisation and forgetfulness. When an adult has attention deficit disorder, life often seems too chaotic and out of control which makes staying organised and on top of things challenging. Some of symptoms include; 
    • poor organisational skills tendency to procrastinate
    • trouble starting and finishing projects
    • chronic lateness
    • frequently forgetting appointments, commitments, and deadlines
    • constantly losing or misplacing
    • underestimating the time it will take you to complete tasks
  • Impulsivity. Trouble inhibiting behaviours, comments and responses. This also tends to make one act before they think or react without consideration consequences. You may struggle with controlling impulses if you:
    • frequently interrupt others or talk over them
    • have poor self-control
    • blurt out thoughts that are rude or inappropriate without thinking
    • have addictive tendencies
    • act recklessly or spontaneously without regard for consequences
    • have trouble behaving in socially appropriate ways (such as sitting still during a long meeting)
  • Emotional difficulties. Many adults suffering form ADD/ADHD, have difficulty managing their feelings, especially when it comes to anger or frustration. Common emotional symptoms of adult ADD/ADHD include:
    • sense of underachievement
    • doesn’t deal well with frustration
    • easily flustered and stressed out
    • irritability or mood swings
    • trouble staying motivated
    • hypersensitivity to criticism
    • short, often explosive, temper
    • low self-esteem and sense of insecurity
  • Hyperactivity or restlessness. This can look the same as it does in kids for adults where you may be highly energetic however for many, the symptoms of hyperactivity become more subtle and they grow older. Common symptoms of hyperactivity in adults include:
    • feelings of inner restlessness, agitation
    • tendency to take risks
    • getting bored easily
    • racing thoughts
    • trouble sitting still; constant fidgeting
    • craving for excitement
    • talking excessively
    • doing a million things at once

ADHD has no single identified cause. Scientists believe that there are a few variables that influence the risk of ADHD, which include:

  • Genetics;
  • Exposure to stress during pregnancy, or childhood;
  • Early social interactions;
  • Environmental toxins.

Avoid food high in sugar, which can help to prevent hypoglycaemia symptoms, which can be the same as ADHD symptoms in some children.

Eat a healthy balanced breakfast with proteins, vitamins and minerals found in whole grains, concentrate better during the morning hours at school.

  • Neurofeedback – Is a technique that measures the brain activity in real time: This aims to change the threshold that triggers brain activity, which is impaired in people with ADHD. This has the best results shown for inattention, impulsivity and some benefits for hyperactivity.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy– Uses behavioral skill training and interventions which targets the dysfunctional patterns of thought and improves functional performance. This is particularly effective in adolescence.
  • Physical activity – Exercise has a positive impact on ADHD symptoms in children and adults.
  • Exercise helps reduce the anxiety and impulsive symptoms, cognitive symptoms in children shows an improvement after only 20 min of exercise.
  • Yoga will also help in reducing symptoms.
  • Take Supplements

By using a FDA approved device that monitors brain waves, it can assist doctors in diagnosing ADHD in children and adults.

This is a non-invasive brain mapping test that takes 15-20 min, which uses sensors on the scalp of the person to monitor their brainwaves. ADHD patients have a higher theta/beta brainwave that can only be detected by this test.

After a practitioner takes a detailed MAP of the patient. They will perform a set of tasks such as playing Pac Man with the brain.

There is a high success rate of treatment of these disorders with Neuro-Feedback, both with adults and children. Each Disorder or Ailment, can be treated through many avenues with ADD/ADHD, the goal of Neuro-Feedback is to teach the brain how to focus.

The result: Symptoms of ADHD — impulsivity, distractibility, and acting out — Diminish. 

Your brain is central to everything; from how easily you remember to how fast you complete tasks and how easily you solve problems. Studies show that the gains you make from Brain Training are applicable to an almost endless variety of mental activities, from what you think, to what you do.

From the speed of your brain, memory, flexibility, attention, and problem solving, Brain Trainer ensures that its protocols provide the maximum benefit for your long term cognitive health.


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